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Forum Participants  visited Vuga Water Source and getting information from
 the Village ChairMan  Mr Maya.

Nkindoi is the source of water that is used by the Ward of Vuga and the Bible School. Due to a number of reasons the source has been disturbed now and then, lastly was the illegal extraction of gold upstream the source. It was stop by force under police and the District Commissioner. 
Views the Tour.....................!!!
Group photo for the Forum Participants and Vuga Bible School students

Members of the International Partnership Forum, visited Vuga Bible School as 
part of the study tour on the source and challenges of water flow to the School. 
The challenge on Land and Justice has been shared and how it disturbs the people of VBS

 Village Chairman gives challenges of Vuga Water Source

More information from student of Vuga Bible School

 Vote of thanks from School leadership