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Chancellor (Bishop. Dr. S. Munga) meeting with SEKOMU staff (4th March 2013) at SEKOMU New Hall

...Let us wait ...

QAO; MR. Mdabagi (hands in pockets) ready for the meeting

Short break



The Vice Chancellor (Rev. Dr. Anneth Munga) Speaking

"...we should aim at serving SEKOMU mission first rather than looking for what we get from SEKOMU ..."

Dr. Barbara Heiss(in black coat) and Gabriela (Both from German)

Behind the doors, Mr. Kingazi, the DPFA(in eye glasses) and Rev. Walalaze, the Dean of Students

The Chancellor (in red shirt) Speaking

A group photo

DVC - ARC (Dr. A. Mollel) Speaking

"...We have to think on how are we going to harmonize quality against quantity..."; (Dr Kalanje)

"... Politicians always speak what they do not believe and do not speak what they believe ..." (Mr. Mtoi)

 Dr. Mollel (the DVC - ARC) was struggling to be heard as it was raining outside

Closing Prayer

Its over for this day